Posts Tagged ‘Maine climbing gyms’
Memorial Day Annual Membership Sale!
This month, Salt Pump Climbing Co. is pleased to offer an extra-special Annual Membership Sale. For one week only, we’ll be taking $100 off adult annual prepaid memberships, and $125 off the same thing if you’re an activity duty or veteran service member. You do the math: that’s nearly 25 percent off a year at our adult monthly…
Read more...Lydia Ball: Member Spotlight
The next participant in our Member Spotlight series is Lydia Ball. Lydia’s 25 years old and works in sustainability with the Ahold Delhaize Group. She’s only been climbing for two years, yet she has an acute understanding of the mental aspects of the sport and an appreciation for the community that a gym climbing atmosphere provides. Although she loves…
Read more...Inside Game no. 1: Matty Zane
Matty Zane grew up in the small town of Freedom, Maine. Both his parents worked at the nearby college in Unity, and growing up, Matty and his older brother Cody lived for soccer. Then, at the tender age of 14, Matty’s adventurous mother Nancy took him climbing for the first time on the granite crags…
Read more...Rainy Day Activities: Indoor Climbing!
Looking for rainy day activities during your Maine beach vacation? Come climb at Salt Pump! Here at Salt Pump, we tell it like it is. And the reality is that despite Maine’s reliance on tourism, there’s sometimes a little undertone of outsider resentment. It mostly manifests itself when we see out-of-state drivers bringing their out-of-state driving…